The ‘Old Pretoria East Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Alliance’ (OPERRA) was established in February 2012. OPERRA is an umbrella alliance representing residents and ratepayers in: Arcadia; Brooklyn; Clydesdale; Colbyn; Groenkloof; Menlo Park; Lynnwood; Muckleneuk-Lukasrand; Rietondale; Riviera; Sunnyside East; and Waterkloof. In all, 12 associations are currently affiliated to OPERRA with further associations currently as associate members.

OPERRA is predominantly focused on addressing issues relating to: Planning & Rezoning; Heritage & Environmental Preservation; Infrastructure & Service Delivery; Crime & Security; Ward & Electoral Structures; and Civic Pride & Community Development.

This ‘umbrella’ forum will not replace or take-over from any Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association (RRA), but instead aims to bring together the individual RRAs and encourage greater networking, dialogue and sharing of ideas, expertise and approaches to tackling the recurring issues and challenges identified above. This ‘umbrella’ forum also aims to bring greater cohesion and responsiveness between the various RRAs in Pretoria East, improving their collective ability to work more effectively with the councillors, political parties, public bodies and general service providers in lobbying and negotiating for better value-for-money, improved service delivery and more respect for our rights and entitlements as residents and ratepayers.

This forum comprises of the elected officers of each affiliated RRA (with two delegates from each RRA having a vote), with that collective membership itself electing its own Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of the ‘umbrella’ forum and to represent the interests of its broader membership more effectively. It aims to meet on a quarterly basis, exchanging information and updating each other on an on-going and regular basis in between meetings, with the Executive Committee meeting monthly to ensure the smooth running of the affairs of OPERRA. 



Linda Tyrrell, Chair

Richard King, Vice Chair & Service Delivery

Flor Healy, Treasurer

Gawa Pritchard, Secretary & Communications

Joan de Villiers, Heritage

Erik Buiten, Planning & Zoning

Dirk Kotzé, Electoral & Ward Committees

Carin Thirion, Crime & Security

(Role currently vacant), Environment & Recycling