Position Statement

The Old East of Pretoria is, for obvious reasons, under tremendous pressure for redevelopment. Plans of the City of Tshwane further advocates the idea of densification of precincts within 500m of Tshwane Rapid Transit (TRT) stations, irrespective of the local context of such a station precinct. Due to the proximity of stations to each other, this approach will eventually have the whole area covered with a blanket of redevelopment, irrespective of the context. OPERRA has concerns regarding irresponsible development in our area of jurisdiction and has a specific viewpoint with regard to development in, and redevelopment of, the area. 

OPERRA endorses the following principles as adopted in the City's plans: 

  • OPERRA endorses the principle of spatial restructuring of the city in order to improve access of less privileged citizens to the services and activities offered by the City;

  • OPERRA endorses the principle to use the Tshwane Rapid Transit (TRT) routes as a basis for spatial restructuring in order to promote urban sustainability through public transport and non-motorised transport (NMT);

  • OPERRA endorses the principle of densification in transit-oriented development (TOD) precincts around TRT stations in order to maximise access to the public transport network;

  • OPERRA endorses the principle of safe and prioritised walkability and liveability in these TOD precincts in order to create pockets of quality urban living zones in the city;

Although OPERRA endorses the above mentioned principles, we also believe that the contextual application of principles is critical to build a city with a unique identity. OPERRA thus further purports the following notions: 

  • OPERRA purports the notion that the unique character of a precinct or neighbourhood should be protected, respected and enhanced by all developments. The question with regard to any development should be asked: What does the development do/look like to respond to, and reinforce, locally distinctive characteristics (with regard to e.g. Built form; Streetscape; Historic elements; Landmark buildings; Public art; and Natural elements)?

  • OPERRA purports the notion that the environmental quality of a precinct or neighbourhood should be protected, respected and enhanced by all developments. The question with regard to any development should be asked: What does the development do/look like to respond to and reinforce a sense of quality (with regard to e.g. Quality of public spaces (hard/soft; linear/nodal); Architectural quality; Infrastructure services; Vehicular movement and parking; Non-motorised movement; Universal design; and Public facilities)?

  • OPERRA purports the notion that the unique spirit of a precinct or neighbourhood should be protected, respected and enhanced by all developments. The question with regard to any development should be asked: What does the development do/look like to respond to, and reinforce, the locally distinctive activity structure and spirit (with regard to e.g. Sense of community; Sense of safety; Community events; and Vibrancy in public spaces)?

Each of these notions spatially manifests in various ways, which can be used to evaluate whether a development supports the notion or not. These will be further explained through guidelines.